Wednesday, September 20, 2017

OOTD - Red, White, and Woo Pig

So, the first day of Autumn is this week.... which is ironic because it still feels like summer around these here parts of the Ozarks. (Yee-haw.)  So, in protest of the summer temps, I'm pulling out some more outfit photos from this summer that never got posted, like this one that was meant for the 4th of July and never made it to the interwebz:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

OOTD - Double Up

I keep finding old outfit photos from this summer that just need to be shared!  Even if multiple outfits end up being basically the same thing:

...... look familiar?

Monday, September 18, 2017

OOTD - This Kid

SOMEONE decided he needed to be a part of these outfit photos.  I'll leave it up to ya'll to decide who is the more photogenic of us two:

Friday, September 15, 2017

Day to Night Outfit Challenge, and a snafu

Ya'll, I have date night on the brain.  There's so many new restaurants to try and movies to see (*cough cough* IT?  You'll float too......), and only so many kid-free weekend nights to do it!  In honor of my date night daydreams, I decided to play around with an outfit that can go from day to night, all with a few wardrobe changes and essential jewelry choices.

BUT then I forgot to bring my camera to work for the flat-lay I'd planned to photograph on lunch.... so we're relying on similar items on a Polyvore board instead!

{click for outfit details}

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

OOTD - Goodbye, Summer

It was actually somewhat CHILLY this morning, guys!!!  I'm beyond excited for the change in the seasons, and figured I would do a catch-up post on some of the outfits that were worn over these warmer months that are slowly coming to an end.  I'm going to miss all the bright colors and sun that summer always brings, but I'm am also just giddy for the chance to break out all my layers, soup recipes, and hot chocolate!  Vive la FALL!!!