Wednesday, December 12, 2018

OOTD - ReCloseted

So here's the thing about being known as the 'clothes person' among your friends and family.  You get asked a LOT if you want things from their closets when they're doing their regular purges.  And, you know, I almost always say yes!  I mean, free clothes, and even more options to expand my wardrobe?  Plus, I might get the warm fuzzies of knowing they thought of me as cleaning out their closets.

So, I figured, since this happens a lot in my life for some reason, I'd come up with a term to describe these little goodies.  They're not really gifts, and not really from a clothing swap, but they are being ReCloseted.  So, expect to see that term with a lot of outfit posts from now on.  I even have two examples for today!

Outfit 1:


So maybe I'm wierd,  but I would much rather have recloseted or secondhand jeans over new ones.  There's something about denim that's already been worn in that makes them so much more comfy and versatile to me.  That's where these jeans came from, and they've been worn an embarassing amount since I've gotten them. No lie.

Outfit Details:
Top: Lularoe Amy, $38
Jeans: recloseted
Sweater: thrifted, $4
Boots: thrifted, $8
Earrings: recloseted
Ring: DIY
Grand Total: $50
Outfit 2:

These are not pleather pants.  Let that be known now, I'm way more into comfort than that! They're faux faux leather leggings (aka shiny spandex) that I happened across in the workout section. I swear, the more into my 30's I get, the more athlesiure makes it into my daily wardrobe.  At least I've got this recloseted sweater and spiffy accessories to make me look a bit more dressed up!

Outfit Details:
Sweater: recloseted
Leggings: Wal-Mart, $10
Earrings: Wal-Mart, $3
Boots: thrifted (these are an UO brand!), $6
Grand Total: $20

Sunday, November 25, 2018


You know when you get a moment that's a confirmation that you should continue a hobby?  Sometimes, you continue something because you love it.  Sometimes, it's out of stubbornness.  Sometimes, it's out of necessity.  BUT SOMETIMES, even if all of the above is true, you still need that outside influence to keep going.

That's what I needed to continue blogging.

And then, I got an opportunity that was the push I needed to jump right on in where I had left off.

A few weeks ago, I got a message from the lovely local fashion designer, Rosie Rose.  I've stalked her designs for literal years, ya'll, ever since a friend suggested checking her out.  And she needed a model.  Any funk I'd been in about "do I continue with the fashion thing or set it aside was gone.  So, I arranged childcare, got 'gussied up' as the hubs would say, and got ready to meet and shoot.

While impatiently waiting for all this to go down, a friend posted this picture on the Facebook, with the question, "what are you passionate about lately?"

Monday, November 5, 2018


It's been a long couple months, ya'll.

I've been going back and forth on starting up blogging again, and after my last post, a mental health hiatus seemed especially necessary.  I had to give myself permission to take a break, from a ton of areas of my life that used to take priority.  I didn't write, I didn't take photos, and most days, any outfit beyond a 'nice' top and jeans was a little too much effort.

And, yet, it's been a time of growth, and rebuilding some habits, both old and new.  It's been hard, and good, and sometimes fulfilling and often exhausting.  But that break made room in my life for some really great things as well.  I've gotten to refocus my energy on new creative endeavors, found time on the weekends to pour into my kids, and had a literal ton of soul-searching to strengthen my faith.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


It's been a while since I've written anything.  I have recently picked up my journal and sporadically filled out some pages with answers to some journal prompts I've discovered on Pinterest, but most of my writing, blogging, and posting in general has seemed to diminish in recent months.
To be honest, my mind needed a break.  I needed time to take stock of some adjustments in my attitude towards myself, and take much better care of my mental health.  'Mental Health' has been a buzzword recently in the online forums, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem to make my own post about my mental health journey seem a bit bandwagon-y.  But doesn't the fact that it's such a popular topic lately also show how needed the conversation is, and how universal the struggles of anxiety disorders and depression really are?  Doesn't it also highlight how silly and ignorant the stigma still surrounding mental health really is?
Because I've been dealing with depression in the last few months, and haven't had the slightest idea of where to start asking for help.  I've prayed, asked for prayer from some friends, taken anti-anxiety medications, started eating better and exercising, cried, changed my birth control, prayed even more... while still dealing with a mental imbalance that affects my hormonal levels and steals the joy from my day to day.  And I don't say this for all you readers to feel guilty, and say "oh, Grace, we didn't know!" and wring your hands and feel awful about not spotting the signs.
Because most people are really good at hiding it, myself included.  I'm guilty of the same trap so many people seem to fall in, the trap of "not wanting to be the needy friend."  Alongside that, there's the carefully curated "living your best life" newsfeeds that gloss over the messy, boring, and mundane sides of daily life, in favor of pretty pictures and saccharine captions.  I'm at the head of the 'happy smiley' instagram secret club, by the way, with posts that look like this:

 "so glad me and my girl "Lucille" get to match in red today! #jeeplife #wingsfordayz"

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

OOTD - Matchy Matchy

Ya'll, I'm a sucker for matchy matchy stuff.  I make it a point to coordinate stuff like earrings and shoes, and I'm even so picky, I can't stand when the hardware on my shoes doesn't match my earrings.  Like, silver studs and gold hardware?  I. Can't. Do. It.

Which is why it's SO surprising to me that I've never paired these shoes with this dress before!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

OOTD - Some Kind of Summer

This was the year.  I didn't know it when I first walked into Beautiful Lives Boutique recently, but this was the year that the search was over.  Every summer in recent memory, I've scoured the secondhand racks looking for a versatile, comfortable, and still stylish white dress to carry me through the summer's heat.  Every year, I'd come up short (sometimes literally with some of the hemlines I found!).  Until that day, so this is the year I get to rock this dress every chance I get.  If only I had remembered that date that will now go down in my sartorial history! (Is that too sarcastic and over the top? Who cares, this dress is CUTE!)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

OOTD - Summer Prep

Decided to go through some photos that never made it here to the interwebs, and ran across a few that I wanted to share.  They really DON'T go along with the hot hot heat we've been experiencing in our pre-Summer summer weather (I mean, really, did we even get a Spring?), but do hearken back to the days of sweater weather.  Oh well, bring on the A/C and the sandals, and let's do this Summer thing!

Monday, May 14, 2018


Hi friends!  The blog might go a bit quiet this week, but be sure to stop by my Instagram this week for a whole slew of secondhand outfits!  I'm participating in a group challenge highlighting secondhand style (which is, of course, right up my alley!), so there will be a whole week of outfits posted through that platform this week.  Be sure to check it out, and all the other ladies that are also participating in the #thriftedchicstylechallenge !

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

OOTD - {obligatory post title}

I don't know what it is about today, you guys.  I've been trying to come up with a title for this outfit, and I keep drawing a blank.  I could go with "Civil War" to reference the blue and grey tones, or there's "Matched Up" because everything coordinates, or even "Meh" since that seems to be what my brain is doing today.  Oh well, I'll just leave those up there and leave it up to reader's choice.  Deal?

Friday, April 27, 2018

OOTD - Friday, I'm in Love....

...with this skirt!  I've had it stashed in my closet for a while now, and may have even posted it, but then it's been languishing in the back of my closet.  Waiting for the perfect fancy moment to be worn.  But then, I figured, life is short. Wear the skirt!  So, here it is, finally relishing the light of day again.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

OOTD - Chopped

My hair has changed!  Again!  This time it was more necessity, since I FRIED it with all the past bleaching and color changes.  But, I love a good pixie cut, and am so glad I decided to make a long overdue change.  Vive la haircuts!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

OOTD - Hump Day

Hey. Guess what day it is???  If I were a crazy camel working in an office setting, I'd be screaming "Hump dayyyyyyy!"  But, seeing as I am a human, I'll just grab an extra cup of coffee to get past this middle of the week hump, and post outfit photos instead.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

OOTD - Groovy Tuesday

Is there really anything better than a good swing dress?  Possibly, if we're talking about a good swing dress with awesome bell sleeves and lace details!  It's the best blank canvas for accessorizing, with just enough groovy flair to keep it interesting!  There's a reason I couldn't say no when I found it on the rack.

Monday, April 23, 2018

OOTD - One Week

I'm baaaaaack!  After an unplanned hiatus (that may involve some family changes that I'll be sharing later on), I'm back to blogging some of the outfit photos I'd saved up for rainy days.  Or post-rainy days. Or just today.  So, to make sure these outfits all see the light of day, I'll be posting outfits all week, starting today!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

OOTD - I Got Chills (They're Multiplyin')

So I don't love the cold snap we're having.  I was really hoping the groundhog would be wrong this year; but as tradition would have it, he was correct yet again.  At the very least, it gives me just a few more opportunities to rock this coat with DIY embellishments a few more times before it gets packed away and we're all lamenting how hot it's gotten.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

OOTD - Playing Dress-Up

Since last week was apparently an outfit showing my alter ego, I figure we might as well keep that trend going this week too!  This dress on the rack at Goodwill was kind of sad.  It was floor length, long sleeved, and so, so outdated.  But, with a couple quick edits to the hem and adding some bell sleeves, it brings out my inner flower child!  Now if only we could get the global peace and love to go along with it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

OOTD - Buttoned Up

I love the librarian vibes this outfit gives off!  I'm an unabashed book nerd, and love adding a bit of that side into my outfit choices.  All the little details in the jewelry and other accessories just help to make up the details of my alter ego persona as well.  Now bring on the book recommendations!  (for reals, I love them, fill my comment section UP!!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

OOTD - Stay Sunny

Anyone else feeling the excitement of the change in seasons?   The breezes and sun are helping to clear out some of the winter cobwebs, so it was high time for me to update my goal board at work in the same spirit:

Thursday, March 1, 2018

OOTD - #tbt

Ya'll, sometimes I get surprised at just how cyclical fashion can be.  I mean, I know the 90's fashions are back, but it still takes me by surprise when I see images like this, and realize that it's from RIGHT NOW:

But it's not a bad thing.  It's so much fun to see the revival of trends like wrap dresses, sneakers with dresses, and updated athleisure make a second showing.  So, in the spirit of 90's revival, I figured it was high time to debut the vintage 90's GAP overalls I happened across recently:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

OOTD - Your Nerddom is Showing

Can you spot the nerddom?  Gotta love incorporating little touches like this DIY choker to keep outfits from getting too stuffy.  Speaking of stuffy, THANK GOODNESS for sunshine and finally getting to go outside!  I am so excited for every hint of spring weather that decides to rear its' head.  Reminds me of Hyrule. ;)

Outfit Details:
Top: thrifted, $5
Sweater: free via clothing swap
Jeans: via ThredUP, $6
Boots: via Plato's Closet resale, $14
Earrings: DIY'ed from materials on hand
Necklace: DIY'ed from materials on hand
Grand Total: $25

Monday, February 19, 2018


I want to apologize for my negative tone in my previous post.  The truth is, that outfit had nothing to do with my mood.  I've had a hard time mentally recovering from the latest school shooting in our country.  Every one of these attacks are a tragedy, but this one has stayed in my, and undoubtedly others', minds constantly.  There's posts and YouTube videos being reposted on everyone's Facebook, a cacophony of opinions just like with every past national tragedy.  On most of those events, I purposefully stayed silent and refused to add to the riot of online opinion-sharing and political back and forths that ensue.

And on this occasion, I don't necessarily have a new opinion to share.  My words will probably be the same ones that the countless other mothers, fathers, teachers, friends and bloggers have already said and shared.

And that's the point.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

OOTD - Meh

I want to like this outfit.  I mean, I like it enough to post it, but for some reason, I don't LOVE it.  And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why!  I love the red top with the patterned black and white skirt.  I love the proportions of the midi length skirt with the boots.  I intentionally wore mis-matched coordinating earrings.  But, I don't love it.  I guess we really are our own worst critics, huh?

Outfit Details:
Top: JC Penney, $5 (clearance)
Skirt: thrifted, $4
Boots: secondhand via Poshmark, $18
Earrings: DIY
Grand Total: $27

Friday, February 9, 2018

Feature Friday - Smooth Moves

So, in the Ozarks today, we've had our usual routine run of unpredictable weather.  We had freezing rain craziness early in the week, and it's 60 degrees today.  While that makes for a bit of sartorial whiplash, it also gets me the most wear out of my closet.  I can wear my sweaters, boots, jeans, skirts, dresses, and sandals pretty much all in the same week!  All that also means I get to rock bare legs sooner than expected, which means taking the time to shave.

Here's the deal about my shaving habits: my legs are SENSITIVE.  Really, not shaving in the winter doesn't bother me, just because I can really only shave every other day without risking painful razor burn, no matter how suited to sensitive skin my razors or shave cream happen to be.  Because of that finickiness, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite tips and tricks I've picked up over my 3 decades of life in case any of you lovely readers run into the same issues.  Also, I'll fill you in on the details on this particular razor:

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

OOTD - Tough Chic(k)

I have stared at this post for the past 40 minutes trying to come up with a witty title and description for this post.  But, when you've got a sick little at home that woke you up with middle-of-the-night bathroom trips every two hours, you stick with what you know.  Even if it's not the most original of titles.  At least my dress is cute!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Meal Plan - Week of Feb. 5th

Just a quick post this week, along with quick meal ideas!  I tried to keep costs down as much as possible this week, so I used a lot of the same ingredients in all the dishes.  This helped a LOT with the grocery bill, since I have some other hobbies that I wanted to spend some dollarino's on instead this week.  I also cut down on the snacks, since I've found I haven't been getting hungry in the late afternoons lately, so I'll just wait for dinner or snag some popcorn from work.  This also makes for a super short grocery list:

Friday, February 2, 2018

Feature Friday - Spring Cleaning

Have you been going back and forth to your closet lately, staring longingly at your spring-y skirts and short sleeved tops?  Because I have.  I push aside the packed-in fabrics, and count down the days (and check my weather app) until I can work those pieces into my daily rotation.

This is also the time of year I start inventorying just what pieces need to be let go of, in order to clear out some closet space!  Whether they end up in my Poshmark closet, donated to my favorite local thrift store, or set aside for a future clothing swap with friends, there's certain pieces that ended up in my home that just don't get enough wear to justify keeping them.  So, the closet cleanse begins!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

OOTD - The Final Funk

If you haven't noticed, my hair has been going through some changes lately!  It's actually recently gone to a more muted shade, so this is actually the last archived photo set from the "Funky Hair Days," as I just now decided to call them.  This last shade just happens to match the trim of this LBD, so it's a happy ending for the crazy hair days (for now, I haven't tried green yet, that may end up happening in the future.....maybe.).

Outfit Details:
Dress: thrifted, $0.50
Top: thrifted, $3.50
Boots: Steve Madden, thrifted, $15
Earrings: Wal-Mart, $2 (clearance)
Hair Color: Splat, Midnight Indigo
Grand Total: $21

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday Meal Plan - Week of January 29th

Another workweek, another meal plan!  I kept things pretty simple this week, and am improvising a few meals, like this "microwave omelette" set-up I've got going on:

Basically, that's two eggs cushioned with a paper towel in a baggie, with some tomatoes, cheese, and lunch meat to mix in.  Crack the eggs, mix in the extras and microwave for 2 minutes, and voila!  Omelette in a cup.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

OOTD - Onion

This outfit reminds me of Shrek.  And no, not because the shirt is green!  (although, that too)  It just reminds me of Shrek's rant about having layers, and with the cropped sweater, keyhole back top, repurposed DIY ring, patterned shoes, this is a multi-layered onion of an outfit!  {insert random joke about being awesome and not stinky here, haha}

Friday, January 19, 2018

Feature Friday - DIY Fall Decorations

If you haven't noticed, I've been finding a lot of blog content from the archives to share lately! Today's Feature Friday post is no different. I had the chance to collaborate with Ashley from BlogFrog, and then the holidays and life got in the way. So, ya'll get the bonus of some great Fall ideas to file away for next year! Don't forget to bookmark or pin this for later, I'm sure it will come in very handy in the future, since, you know, the seasons DO repeat themselves! Enjoy!Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. But, with the cooler temperatures, people often start crafting the winter decorations. We challenge you to change that this year. There are a lot of fun, fall crafts that you can display from late August until the holiday season. 


One of the best things about fall projects is the endless supplies of materials available. You see, a fall wreath, bird feeder, herb garden, or garland can be almost any color. You will use a lot of orange and brown, but you also can use any shade of yellow, beige, tan, and hues of green. Your accessories can be made from buttons, ribbon, strips of cloth, straw, and just about anything. 

In one or two trips to the thrift store, you can collect enough handmade frames, old but interesting shirts, and any odd and end item you can think of for the kitchen. 

Below we will make a fall chalk wreath. You can buy a roll of chalkboard contact paper and any frame, tray, or board can instantly be your base.

DIY Fall Wreath

We will begin with a simple craft project. Make a chalkboard fall wreath for your home with just a few supplies. You can read more about the markers here. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Ya'll, I found some OLD pictures from the archives, and I really can't believe I never got around to posting them when they were taken last year.  But, there's no time like the present, right?  Plus, we can all reminisce together about the good old times when you could actually go outside without losing a limb to frostbite....

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

OOTD - Lu-Lu-Lula

So I have this co-worker who has gotten me hooked on Lularoe.  Like, really truly, my closet is starting to get a bit overwhelmed with the amount of adorable stretchy items. BUT, in my defense, how do you not snatch up adorable leggings that look THIS CUTE on your friend?