Monday, January 21, 2019

OOTD - New Year, Who Dis?

 Oh, hai!  It's just little ol' me, throwing together another outfit post for this chilly January day.  I'm about to head back into the warmth and maybe some hot cocoa.  Is it just me, or does that little cup of steaming chocolate just warm you to your soul?  It's much needed after braving these actual winter temps for the sake of a few pics, that's for sure!

Outfit Details:
Denim top: recloseted
Black top: thrifted, $3
Leggings: Lularoe, free for hosting party
Necklace: recloseted
Scarf: mall kiosk, OLD, $5
Boots: recloseted
Grand Total: $8

Monday, January 14, 2019

OOTD - Warm Fuzzies

I really don't know why I don't wear this jacket every day.  Yes, it looks like I repurposed a muppet.  Yes, it's very in your face.  And, yes, it's one of my favorite thrift finds ever.  I guess I'll just have to put my money where my mouth is and put it into the rotation for the rest of this winter, right?