Friday, April 5, 2013

Fair Trade Friday - CHOCOLATE!!!

I know with most of my Fair Trade posts, I tend to focus on fashion-y stuff.  You know, clothes, jewelry, and the like.  And there's so many beautiful companies and products to share!  But, I also like to remind people that there are other Fair Trade products to be found, like coffee, or wonderful Chocolate!

Take for example, these concoctions from Theo Chocolate:

Orange and Dark Chocolate
Hazelnut Crunch
Coffee and Cream
Makes your mouth water, right?  There's a ton more on the Theo website, including a limited edition Ghost Chile bar!  And, just because looking at these isn't torture enough, here's another delicious product:

Dark Drinking Chocolate
If puttering around the kitchen is more your style, Divine Chocolate has recently introduced baking chocolates to their website, in addition to all their other delicious looking products.  They even include recipes on their website, like this one:

Divine Chocolate Butter Gooey Cake

I love Divine's company, since it's the only Fair Trade chocolate company whose farmers own 45% of the company.  There's a great backstory on their website, and I'd recommend checking them out!

There's a ton of other companies I ran across when searching through the interwebs, such as Mama Ganache, Madecasse, and Green & Black's, so if your sweet tooth isn't satiated yet, I'd recommend checking them out!

Have a good weekend everybody!

Are there any other Fair Trade companies or products you'd love to see on the blog?  Leave a comment and let me know!

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