Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kidlet Style - The Zoo!

Since I work on Saturdays, and Daddy A works during the week, we really don't get a lot of time to take family trips or outings.  So, last Friday, Daddy took off work so we could take the girls to the Tulsa Zoo.

You like Little A's 'hat?'  I forgot to attach her canopy to the carseat, and didn't pack a hat, so we had to make do with what we had!

We did have to search out the crocodiles, since that was the one animal Big A said she wanted to see.  Gotta keep her happy!

As it got into late afternoon, it seemed like it was naptime for everyone except the bears (and Little A, who was just soaking up the sights...).

So, on that note, we decided to head home, where my eldest also managed to get some needed sleep.

Outfit Details for Big A:
Jacket: Circo, $4.50
Shirt: Children's Place, $3.50
Jeans: Genuine Kids, $4.50
Shoes: Old Navy, $5.50

Grand Total: $18

All clothing and prices are from our local Once Upon A Child.

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