Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sensory Sunday - 4/14/13

Welp, it's another Sunday gone by, and that means it's time for another installment of Sensory Sunday!  I know you're excited.

What I'm Listening To:

Are these both songs from commercials?  Yes.  Yes they are.  Are they getting way too much radio play because of that?  Uh-huh, but I really can't stop listening to them!

What I'm Eating:

I made these for a store meeting at work this afternoon:

Recipe HERE
Don't worry, they are as awesome as they sound!  I love easy dessert recipes, preferably delicious ones that require very few ingredients (kinda like my Semi-Famous Apple Dumplings), and these fit all of the criteria!  They are just as ooey-gooey as the picture, and taste like little molten bites of yum.

What's On Mah Brain:

What do this Personality Test and this painting have in common?

"Orphans" by Thomas Benjamin Kennington
Well, I'll get to that, but let me begin by saying apparently I'm a rare breed.  Seriously!  Apparently "the INFJ [Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging] type is believed to be very rare (less than 1 percent of the population) and it has an unusual set of traits.  Even though their presence can be described as very quiet, INFJ personalities usually have many strong opinions, especially when it comes to issues they consider very important in life." (from the website)

So, what do I feel is important?  Well, the verse James 1:27 comes to mind.  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after the widow and orphan in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  Sometimes I feel like I'm beating the "philanthropic fashion drum" (like that?  I just made it up) into the ground, but I just love being able to share and support companies with you that do exactly what James talks about!  It can vary from a purse whose sale helped feed a single mother's child, or a skirt from Goodwill that helped pay for someone's job training, but it all helps!

So, what's your personal soapbox or passion?  Comment and let me know!

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