Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thrifted Pinterest - Zooey

Today's Thrifted Pinterest is brought to you courtesy of another blogger who re-creates high end looks with more affordable pieces.  She happens to show up quite a bit on my Pinterest feed, so I thought I'd take it one step farther, and re-create one of her looks with thrifted, resale, or DIY pieces!  I'm talking about J from J's Everyday Fashion, and here's the outfit that inspired me:
When I put my outfit on, I realized I really needed tights with my skirt, since it seems like it's always super windy when I decide to wear it, and there's no way I'm wearing a skirt on a windy day without something under it!

I then realized I really needed to change my shoes, not because I don't love them, but because I looked like I was attempting to be a Zooey Deschanel impersonator!  Case in point:

Don't get me wrong, I love Zooey!  She's adorable, and I want quite a few of her outfits, but that just wasn't the vibe I was wanting on this particular day.  So, after all my tweaks, here's the finished product:

Outfit Details:
Shirt: Old Navy, thrifted, $3
Skirt: DIY from dress, Plato's Closet resale, $6
Tights: Target, $5
Boots: Plato's Closet resale, $18
Necklace: F21, $5
Ring: Charlotte Russe, $3

Grand Total: $40

Who's your favorite celebrity (or non-celebrity!) style inspiration?  Leave a comment and let me know!

1 comment:

I'd love to hear your input!