Monday, August 12, 2013

OOTD - Frilly

Well, it's officially hit that awkward season, the one I like to call "pre-fall."  Basically, everything in me wants to start wearing tights, sweaters, and scarves, because it's back to school time, and almost autumn, but it's still going to be 80 degrees outside for at least two more months.  AARRGHH!!  But, there are much bigger problems to be dealt with (how did my daughter end up with peanut butter behind her ear, and why are there SO MANY dirty dishes in my kitchen, and when will the medical community find a cure for cancer?), so I'll suck it up and continue to wear happy summery clothes for a little while longer!


Outfit Details:
Top: Kohl's, $4 (clearance)
Blue Tank: Charlotte Russe, $5
Jeans: Wal-Mart, $20
Earrings: NY & Company, $3 (clearance)
Necklace: Rue 21, $4 (clearance)
Shoes: Payless, $10 (old)
Headband: Wal-Mart, $3 for two (clearance)

Grand Total: $49


  1. I like your outfits. Can you tell me what size shoes you wear, and are they for sale? Thank you.

    1. I like your outfits. Can you tell me what size shoes you wear, and are they for sale? Thank you.


I'd love to hear your input!