Monday, March 10, 2014

31(squared) - Lessons Learned

Lesson #1 in self-taken shots: make sure you actually set your timer.

Lesson #2: make sure you actually check the framing.

Lesson #3 (this one's more of a guideline...): if your dolphin mood ring happens to match the exact color of your house, take a picture!

Here's some more outfit shots from the weekend:

Went to a certain nephew's pirate birthday party, turns out my necklace matched the decor!
Can you spot the skull and crossbones?
Outfit 1 Details:
Shirt: thrifted, Coldwater Creek, $3
Jeans: Aeropostale, $9 (clearance)
Trench: Old Navy, old (DIY'ed to sleeveless)
Shoes: Madden Girl via Plato's Closet resale, $8
Bracelets: Wet Seal, Kohl's, NY&Co. (all clearance), $5
Mood Ring: gift from my grandma
Silver Ring: gift from my dad
Grand Total: $25

Outfit 2 Details:
Shirt: thrifted, $4
Jeans: Aeropostale, $9 (clearance)
Sweater: Harp's grocery store, $5
Shoes: Rack Room Shoes, $7 (clearance)
Necklace: Starfish Project, $30
Grand Total: $55

Outfit 3 Details:
Shirt: JC Penney, $5
Skirt: DIY from thrifted fabric, $2
Sweater: Harp's grocery store, $5
Shoes: Rack Room Shoes, $7 (clearance)
Necklace: JC Penney, $4 (clearance)
Tights: Wal-Mart, $5
Grand Total: $28

If you'd like to know more about why I'm remixing 31 pieces from my closet and not shopping for the month of March, check out my introductory post to this series!  Please join me in this fundraising effort for Love146, and help shine a light in the darkness.


  1. Haha. Good tips! I should tell Kyle, my photographer-husband. Cameras don't have brains, so you can't blame them when the subject is chopped out of the frame. Husbands...well...I expect better. lol My fave outfit is the taupe one with the red skirt. It just looks so bright and happy against the snowy ground and bare trees.

    <3 Liz


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