Monday, August 11, 2014

OOTD - Style Imitating Art has returned!

...actually, SIA never left.  The other bloggers that participate have just continued blogging even while I took that first trimester hiatus, as they should have.  But, since I've returned to documenting my outfits every so often, I thought I'd jump back in with an SIA post of my own.  Jess of Animated Cardigan chose a beautiful piece for this round:

Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May, by John William Waterhouse 
Oil on canvas, 1905 
To go along with this amazing piece of art is a stanza of a poem that the piece takes its name from:

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a'flying,
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.

I honestly wish I could copy this outfit piece for piece, from the floral embellished gown and golden arm cuffs, to the bejeweled hairpiece above her shoulders.  I also wanted to play on that poem, and that idea of youth's transience and fading beauty.  In a way, I did what I could with my limited wardrobe choices!

And, this outfit did make me think of other transient things, namely fashion trends (I know, I'm so deep, right?).  But really, when my children grow up, and find out that their mommy had a fashion blog, they'll look back on all these outfits I picked out and either love them or hate them.  "Geez, mom.  A maxi dress, really?  With a vest?  How 2010's could you have been?"  This is, of course, right before they take off on their hoverboards while wearing their futuristic silver plastic jackets and levitating shoes!  Good thing I love the clothes I pick for myself, and besides, who wouldn't love the floral detail on this vintage vest from the 70's?

OMG, flowers!

Outfit Details:
Dress: Old Navy Maternity, $12 (clearance)
Vest: vintage via Cheap Thrills, $3 (clearance)
Earrings: Greenola Style, free via giveaway
Shoes: thrifted, $3
Grand Total: $18

Be sure to visit Jess's blog tomorrow!  There'll be a whole group of ladies putting their own take on the chosen piece of art, and you won't want to miss it!

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