Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thrifted Pinterest - SUMMER!

In case you haven't noticed, it's hot outside.  It's the kind of hot that makes me only want to wear outfits that scream


There's nothing more summery than white paired with bright colors, so I decided to take a pair of capris I thrifted for 50 cents, and turn them into some summer-ific shorts (it's a word. Really...) using this tutorial:

Outfit Details:
Top: via secondhand shop, $5
Shorts: DIY, thrifted, $0.50
White Necklace: Wal-Mart, $1 (clearance)
Other Necklaces: DIY, $2.50 for materials
Shoes: Payless, $15 (now on sale for $12, get your own!)
Grand Total: $24

{Okay, here's the thing: I love the colors and pattern of this top, but my DIY side also wants to turn it into a kimono.  It should be easy enough, just cut down the middle and hem the edges, but I don't know which way would get more wear in my closet. I really can't decide, so how about I let ya'll decide for me!}

What do you think, cut it or leave it?  Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

I'd love to hear your input!