Monday, September 21, 2015

OOTD - SIA / Beza Threads

Ok, so, I'm back!!  I decided to take a while off from blogging (almost a month!), in order to think, focus on my family for a while, and answer a few personal questions I had.  One of those questions?  Why do I blog?  To be honest, I haven't really gotten to the root of the answer to that, because of so many varying reasons.  I love sharing my outfits, I have to get dressed in the mornings anyways, and I love the creative outlet, among many other things.  Another reason I began blogging was in order to share Fair Trade and ethical companies with you, and that reason has only intensified in the past few weeks.  Part of the conversation that starts with asking, "Who made my clothes?" is finding fashionable alternatives from companies committed to enacting positive change in our world.  I want to start re-focusing on that aspect of the blog, so expect a lot more Fair Trade Friday posts in the future!!

It seemed only fitting to come back from my little hiatus with an outfit featuring a scarf I received from Beza Threads, a company I recently wrote about in my Fair Trade Friday feature.  I love what Beza Threads is doing, as they join in the fight against human trafficking by caring for survivors in Ethiopia.  And, it seemed only fitting to include my new scarf in this round of Style Imitating Art, hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey.  Here's the painting that is the inspiration for the outfits:

Franz Kline / Painting Number 2

Here's my interpretation:

I love that cross-hatched black and white pattern on the scarf.  It played against the paint-spotted appearance of the skirt, and the blue-grey of the earrings to include various elements inspired by the painting.  It was a fun outfit to pull together!

Outfit Details:
Shirt: thrifted, $1

Skirt: thrifted, $5
Boots: eBay, $13
Scarf: c/o Beza Threads

Earrings: old, don't recall
Grand Total: $19

If you'd like to see more interpretations of Style Imitating Art, be sure to stop by Salazar's blog tomorrow for the outfit round-up!  Until next time!

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