Thursday, March 3, 2016

Introducing.... Real Life Thrifted Pinterest!

Something you should know about me: I love, love, LOVE thrift shopping!  There's just something about sifting through the racks of clothes, my hands skimming over the various fabrics as I look for patterns that catch my eye, that makes it my number one favorite hobby.  It's like a treasure hunt!  The thing about thrifting, though, is that I can't always take everything with me.  No matter how badly I'd love to bring home a vintage Pendleton suit at a steep discount, with it's decorative gold buttons and Virgin Wool construction, I really have no reason to have one in my closet.

Until now!

I'd like to introduce a new side project I've been working on: my eBay shop!  That's right, Living With A-Holts is now on eBay, and I'm passing my love of thrifting down to you, along with great deals on secondhand clothes.  For anyone that loves the idea of thrift shopping, but just doesn't have the time needed to shop through all the items available, I'd like to offer a chance to find your own little treasure among the items I'm offering for sale.

But, that's not all!  (Do I sound like a used car salesman yet?)  You also have the opportunity to follow my Thrifted Pinterest pin board on Pinterest, for styling tips for most of the items I have offered for sale!  Not sure how you'd style a geometric patterned blazer?  Check Thrifted Pinterest for some ideas!  I've also added an eBay pin board, so you can see new items as I add them to the store.  You can even snag that Pendleton Suit I mentioned earlier:

This Young Pendleton Skirt Suit is on eBay now!

Or how about that geometric printed blazer, along with some style tips?  I have that too!

Sag Harbor patterned blazer, anyone?
As if I'm not excited enough about all this, if you can't tell, I also have the opportunity through the eBay for Charity listing option to help support an amazing anti-trafficking organization, Love146.  10% of every item sold will go directly to Love146, and help to fund their fight against global child trafficking and exploitation.  I'll be adding new items regularly, so I hope you'll be sure and check back often for more goodies!

(One more little note: on my eBay pin board, I've also added my lovely best friend, Andrea.  She blogs over at Rehashion: Goodwill Huntress, and is an awesome mom to three little boys who is balancing boho style with boymom practicality. She is also going to be selling secondhand items in her own shop, and will be sharing her goodies on that pin board as well! )

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