Tuesday, June 7, 2016

OOTD - Stubborn

Lately, I've been noticing a lot of the awesome that goes along with being over 30, stuff like maturity and a more-defined sense of self.  Not that I have everything figured out, I'm still basically wingin' it in my daily life!  There's some not so awesome stuff that goes along with being out of your 20's too, though, and the biggest boogers of them all are the various fashion articles that show up constantly, telling women about all the things they CAN'T wear now that they're no longer 29.  This is where my stubborn streak shows up.  I mean, really Ms. Random-Chick-On-The-Internet, I CAN'T wear that?  Really?!?!

I'm still in the process of playing with fashion and figuring out what I really like to wear, and I'm not going to restrict myself just because some person says I can't wear it. I didn't even have the courage to pull the trigger on the lip piercing I'd wanted for years and years until very recently (and that was only at the urging of the husband as a Valentine's Day present, because nothing says Love like a man named Scooter who smells of cigarettes standing two inches from your face as he puts a hole in your lip!), so why would I spend the rest of my life wearing the same old 'safe' things?  That's why I loved this little rebuttal article I happened across recently (btw, there's some strategic f-bombs in here, so if you're offended by that please be forewarned.)  It made me curious about the original article she mentions, so I checked it out, and immediately decided that this summer's project for my outfits would be to wear all the things I'm not 'supposed to'. (I've got that stubborn streak, remember?)  Obviously, a few things on the list will be omitted, since I'm not going to post any photos in my lingerie, and I don't currently own any booty shorts or Abercrombie, and don't plan to.  But I am going to choose one 'don't' each week to wear, because life is too short to wear boring clothes!

This week, I'm starting at #1, Graphic Tees.  This particular tee was my Mother's Day present, and is just plain awesome, so there's no way I'd just let it sit in a drawer.

Outfit Details:
Tee: gift, Hope Outfitters
Skirt: thrifted, $4
Boots: thrifted, $4
Elephant Necklace: Premier Designs, $4 after hostess benefits
Heart Necklace: gift
Layered Necklace: thrifted, $2
Grand Total: $14

What silly fashion 'rules' do you enjoy breaking?  Let me know in the comments, or post your own pics to Instagram with the hashtag #mystubbornstyle to share!

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