Sunday, September 25, 2016

OOTD - Transition

 The times, they are a-changin'...

...and I'm not just talking about the weather. Our little family has gone through some changes lately (mostly of the employment variety), and we're still adjusting!  I decided to change up the blog's layout as an homage to the transitions we're experiencing. It's only fitting that it's all happening around the time the seasons finally decide to change.  As much as I love summer, it's a bit crazy to have a 90 degree day on the first official day of Fall!  I'm hoping that along with the cooler weather comes a bit more time to focus on blogging, as well as my being able to re-introduce some items back into my eBay store, so be watching for all that!  If you don't want to miss a post, don't forget to follow on my social media outlets that are all so handily listed at the nifty tool bar at the top of the page!  Also, if you're a newbie, and you're scrolling through the archives, you may notice that all the photos don't show up on some of my older posts.  I haven't quite gotten that kink worked out yet, but you can see the whole post if you click through on the title.  Thanks guys, until next time!

Outfit Details:
Top: thrifted, $3.50
Jeans: thrifted, DIY distressing, $0.50
Necklace: free via clothing swap
Shoes: thrifted, $9
Grand Total: $13

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