Wednesday, August 2, 2017

OOTD - Fake Out

The past few days in the Ozarks have been a total teaser for Fall, people.  It really isn't fair.  Considering I'm one of those people that counts down the days to scarves, boots, and ALL THE LAYERS!  So the fact that it hasn't been totally sweltering at the beginning of August has been kind of nice, but I know it's a fake out for the end of summer.  We still have August, September, and maybe some of October to look forward to what I'm going to now dub the "Ozark Second Summer," full of hot sticky days.

Ah well, at least I have a few days of practice with my layering skills before the Ozark Second Summer sets in!  Vive la layers!

Outfit Details:
Jacket: thrifted, $4
Vest: local vintage boutique, $3
Dress: thrifted, $5
Shoes: gifted
Necklace: Starfish Project, $25
Grand Total: $37

1 comment:

  1. Love your style! I'm a California girl, and while we don't get as sticky as you do, we get plenty of 90 - 100 and more days. Hang on! Fall's coming!


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