Wednesday, June 18, 2014

OOTD - 13 Weeks

Hey!  I have a blog!  Granted, I haven't been on in a while, but for good reason: apparently growing a baby is hard work!  And, for me, it seems that growing a baby the third time around is even harder work than before.  But, I think I'm finally getting out of those first trimester days, and my energy levels are hopefully on an upswing.  That means I can start doing normal stuff, like eating without getting nauseous! (I know, I know, that word should be written as 'nauseated' but whatevs...)  So, to catch up, here's a rundown of this pregnancy so far (at least the important points):

What made me nauseous: being hungry... also, eating.

Average # of hours my 4-year old has been watching TV: more than recommended!

# of times I've used my gym membership since finding out we're expecting: one

Latest Big Purchase: a minivan!  This wouldn't seem like cause for celebration, but we've been a one car family for about 6 years.  Now I can actually drive myself places instead of asking for rides during the day!

First family outing in the van: the mall (Oh, yeah, that voice that says 'yes, you can shop by yourself with two little girls without pulling your hair out or them having a meltdown..."?  Ignore it.  Every. Time.)

Currently Reading: 11/22/63 by Stephen King (a little junk food for the mind!)

Currently Craving: canned artichokes/olives/pepperoncinis/anything vinegary-and-salty

Currently Eating: saltine crackers (what else?)

Next steps in the pregnancy: a blood sugar test on Friday (hello, gross syrup drink!) and finding out the gender at 20 weeks!

Now, on to the outfit post.  It's hot outside right now.  Like, really, really hot.  All the unseasonable June rain in our area has evaporated, and been replaced with 80+ degree days.  Thank goodness for dresses!

Outfit Details:
Dress: DIY (tutorial) from thrifted tees, $8
Belt: old
Shoes: Target, $5 (clearance, DIY pink dye)
Necklace: secondhand via eBay, $3

Grand Total: $16


  1. Sorry you've been having a rough go of it, but you look wonderful. And Stephen King is one of my favorite writers when it comes to a little junk food for the mind. I may even be mildly obsessed with the Dark Tower series. Maybe.

    1. I started the Dark Tower series recently, but only got through the first two books, but I loved what I've read so far! It's a series I plan on finishing when I have the time... which at this rate will probably be in about 20 years!

  2. miss you, it's been to long

    1. Tell me about it! If only I had unlimited airfare to SD.... *siiighhhh*

  3. This is super cute! The tennis shoes are adorable with the dress and glitzy statement necklace. It's just such a fun look!

    Your pregnancy run-down had me smirking. lol Your cravings have me craving the same things now, too. I love briny bits like olives and caper berries.

    Glad to see your face show up on my feed this morning!

    <3 Liz

    1. Thank you! I'm glad to start getting back into blogging, I didn't actually keep up with it during my other two pregnancies, but I'm hoping to keep more up to date this time around!

  4. Welcome back! Congrats on the mini van and successfully growing a baby haha :D <3 Love your necklace and shoes, too, by the way! You look super cute! ^_^

    - Anna

    1. Hehe, growing a baby :) Thank you for your kind words!


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