Feature Friday - DIY Fall Decorations

If you haven't noticed, I've been finding a lot of blog content from the archives to share lately! Today's Feature Friday post is no different. I had the chance to collaborate with Ashley from BlogFrog, and then the holidays and life got in the way. So, ya'll get the bonus of some great Fall ideas to file away for next year! Don't forget to bookmark or pin this for later, I'm sure it will come in very handy in the future, since, you know, the seasons DO repeat themselves! Enjoy!Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. But, with the cooler temperatures, people often start crafting the winter decorations. We challenge you to change that this year. There are a lot of fun, fall crafts that you can display from late August until the holiday season. 


One of the best things about fall projects is the endless supplies of materials available. You see, a fall wreath, bird feeder, herb garden, or garland can be almost any color. You will use a lot of orange and brown, but you also can use any shade of yellow, beige, tan, and hues of green. Your accessories can be made from buttons, ribbon, strips of cloth, straw, and just about anything. 

In one or two trips to the thrift store, you can collect enough handmade frames, old but interesting shirts, and any odd and end item you can think of for the kitchen. 

Below we will make a fall chalk wreath. You can buy a roll of chalkboard contact paper and any frame, tray, or board can instantly be your base.

DIY Fall Wreath

We will begin with a simple craft project. Make a chalkboard fall wreath for your home with just a few supplies. You can read more about the markers here. 

You will need: 

Piece of wood or cardboard

Chalkboard contact paper (self-adhesive)

Liquid chalk markers

Decorations of your choice (such as:)

Dried fall flowers

Scraps of fabric or ribbon


Foam stickers 

Cut the chalkboard contact paper to leave a 1”-2” frame from the wood or cardboard. 

Place the contact paper and smooth it down 

Use your imagination to decorate the frame with the supplies you have chosen 

Write a message in the center of the chalkboard 

Hang your DIY wreath on your front door and welcome your friends and family to your home. 

The fun thing is you can change the message anytime you want to. You can change the frame up easily. It is fun to use velcro patches on your large bow or main decorative item. It makes it easy to change.

Fall Candy Buffet

Photo site/credit https://unsplash.com/photos/SmZWvAkKRVM

Fall is all about treats. There is Halloween, Thanksgiving, and tons of parties. You will no most certainly see candy and pastry buffets for almost any occasion But there is a fun way to be ready for anything. 

Go to any department store and buy a large plastic bin. It needs to have a lid and wheels are good. On the inside, cut and fit cardboard. Do not glue it in; you can use a little duct tape on each end if the cardboard moves. Now use a cheap set of plastic bowls (with lids) to trace and cut holes in the cardboard. 

Go online and order bulk hard candy from Sweet Services, in your favorite flavors. Fill each of the bowls with candy. Store the refill candy in the bottom of the crate. Put the lids on the candy bowls and drop them in the holes. Use fall garland, around the bowls to decorate it and cover the cardboard. Place the lid on a small table next to the candy buffet and place scoops, candy treat bags, or plastic cups. 

You have a cheap and fun - portable candy buffet. It can be used again and again. You simply change the garland to straw, rolls of cloth, or even small toys. When you are finished, remove the candy and pop the lids on. 

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on fun things for fall. Just get creative and see what you can come up with.

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