You know when you get a moment that's a confirmation that you should continue a hobby? Sometimes, you continue something because you love it. Sometimes, it's out of stubbornness. Sometimes, it's out of necessity. BUT SOMETIMES, even if all of the above is true, you still need that outside influence to keep going.
That's what I needed to continue blogging.
And then, I got an opportunity that was the push I needed to jump right on in where I had left off.
A few weeks ago, I got a message from the lovely local fashion designer, Rosie Rose. I've stalked her designs for literal years, ya'll, ever since a friend suggested checking her out. And she needed a model. Any funk I'd been in about "do I continue with the fashion thing or set it aside was gone. So, I arranged childcare, got 'gussied up' as the hubs would say, and got ready to meet and shoot.
While impatiently waiting for all this to go down, a friend posted this picture on the Facebook, with the question, "what are you passionate about lately?"
That's what I needed to continue blogging.
And then, I got an opportunity that was the push I needed to jump right on in where I had left off.
A few weeks ago, I got a message from the lovely local fashion designer, Rosie Rose. I've stalked her designs for literal years, ya'll, ever since a friend suggested checking her out. And she needed a model. Any funk I'd been in about "do I continue with the fashion thing or set it aside was gone. So, I arranged childcare, got 'gussied up' as the hubs would say, and got ready to meet and shoot.
While impatiently waiting for all this to go down, a friend posted this picture on the Facebook, with the question, "what are you passionate about lately?"